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Portland Podcaster Meetup Event

Portland Podcasters Meetup
Portland Podcasters Meetup

Heads up for any podcasters here in the Portland area! I’ll be speaking at an upcoming Podcast Meetup on Thursday, Nov. 9th from 5-7pm. Come join us! Here’s the info:

Creating an audio fiction podcast is a lot of work…involving scripts, casting, music, sound effects, sound design, voice actors…just to name a few things.

Sean McKnight will share his experience with producing 6 seasons of VOID Podcast, a science-fiction podcast. He’s worn all the hats, as director, producer, writer, actor, and editor. Sean is also a multimedia producer and instructor…so be sure to come prepared with any technical questions for the Q&A!

Also, we’re excited to partner with Wacom Experience Center to host our speaker events! So come listen to a great talk, meet other podcasters, and check out an amazing venue!

Wacom Experience Center – 1455 NW Irving St, Portland, OR 97209